University of Illinois Urbana‑Champaign
Children playing with stacking blocks at a brightly colored table

Your source for early childhood data in Illinois

Providing early childhood data and maps to inform communities and strengthen policy in Illinois. Scroll down for a link to an introductory video on the upcoming Illinois Early Childhood Data Hub.

IECAM's online database

The searchable database is the quickest way to access most of IECAM’s demographic and service data for a variety of regions.

Introducing the Illinois Early Childhood Data Hub

View an introductory video to get a quick look at a comprehensive interactive tool that IECAM is developing that will allow users to interact with integrated datasets from state agencies that weren’t available before on a single platform.

Easy-to-use data tools: The Illinois Early Childhood Care and Education Services Map and Regional Reports

The Illinois Early Childhood Care and Education Services Map shows where sites are located throughout the state. Regional Reports provide ready-made reports on common data topics for counties, Birth to Five Illinois regions, and elementary/unit school districts.

Illinois Early Care and Education Services Map This map shows early care and education services sites in the state. Service sites include Preschool For All, Head Start, licensed child care centers, licensed-exempt child care centers, and family child care homes.
Regional Reports Early childhood and demographic data by county, Birth to Five Illinois regions, and school district

Browse data by topic

Most data topics on IECAM belong to one (or more) of the following categories:


Data that describe the characteristics of the population of young children and their families in Illinois, such as age, race, income, and language(s) spoken..


Data and related information about the health of Illinois children and families.

Early Childhood Services and Programs

Data and related information about early childhood services and programs that serve Illinois children and their families.

Geographic Regions

IECAM provides data by various geographic regions. Find out more about these regions.

Social and Economic Factors

Data and related information about factors that can significantly affect the quality of life for Illinois children and their families, such as income/poverty levels, education, employment, housing, and access to support services.