Head Start: Migrant and Seasonal Head Start
Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) is a program designed to provide comprehensive Head Start services including child development and social services to low-income families working in agriculture or families who migrate while working in agriculture. MSHS programs are funded directly through the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC.

Source of definition: Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Quality Improvement Center
Data available on IECAM
Latest data: FY2023 (July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023; school year 2022–2023)
Funded enrollment
The total number of children that a Migrant and Seasonal Head Start center is funded to enroll at any one time.
Source of data: Head Start Enterprise System (HSES), Performance Indicator Report (PIR)
These data are available by county.
Migrant and Seasonal Head Start grantees are present in only a few counties in Illinois. Children served at sites or centers under these grantees may also come from nearby counties. Thus the numbers by county are not an absolute reflection of the numbers of children served in each county.