IECAM for the Child Care Community
IECAM provides guides and tools useful to the child care community.

IECAM Database Search
Use this search to produce instant Excel spreadsheets for selected areas, years, early childhood services/programs, and demographics. Find data on: licensed child care centers; licensed family child care homes; IDHS Child Care Assistance Progam (CCAP); child care program accreditations; child care centers and homes providing school-age care (before/after school). You can also do a multiyear search that lets you compare tabular data for a single data type (PFA, Head Start, etc.) over multiple years. Great for identifying trends and changes over time.
Regional Reports
IECAM's regional reports provide custom data for various geographic regions in Illinois.
Curated Data, Maps, and Charts
Maps, charts, and additional data collections to inspire insight and discovery
llinois Early Childhood Dashboard
This dashboard provides maps and charts for topics such as workforce compensation, KIDS assessment results, program enrollment, credentials and endorsements, and more.
Web Resources
Provider resource page
Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development
Find local Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies
Child care resource and referral services are available in all Illinois communities through a local Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) Agency.
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
In Illinois, CCAP provides child care for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years and for children with special needs who are age 13 through 19. Families must be income eligible and either employed or in approved education/training programs.
This coalition works toward ensuring that young people in Illinois have access to quality, affordable afterschool and youth development programs.
Partner Plan Act
Resources for effective community collaborations.